Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We're Back!

"I walked away from coaching, because I had to.  I'm back because I have to"--Dick Vermeil

This phrase sums up why we here at Canes Rising felt why we had to restart the blog.  As most Hurricane fans know, it's almost  impossible to find objective, rational coverage of the 'Canes.   For far too long, 'Cane fans have been forced to listen to pseudo journalists who have little, to no actual insight.  For far too long, Canes fans have been forced to get their Miami news from those who harbor resentment towards the program, and as a result, cannot be objective.  For far too long, we've all had to watch as those who are supposed to be supporting The U, have used their access to unfairly bury the University.  

We here at Canes Rising will report on the Canes without fear or favor.  We here at Canes Rising will not be afraid to criticize, but we will not criticize without reason.  We here at Canes Rising will stay out of recruiting news, it's not ethical to allow street agents and recruits to set the agenda, while the University is forced to sit on the sidelines..  We here at Canes Rising will not let the tyranny of the mob dictate our opinions, or coverage.

Canes Rising is for the Miami fan who loves the University of Miami, and not just the football program.  We will talk about Coach L, Coach Meier, and Coach Morris.  We will not be "Just about football".   This is a great time to be a Cane, and we will be there to chronicle every moment.  From the first day of fall camp, all the way to the final out of the College World Series, we will be there to discuss everything.  Canes Rising will have interviews with important figures in the athletic department, so the Miami fan can for the first time understand what goes on behind the scenes.  We want the Miami fan to be educated on the whys and hows of the Athletic Department.  

Canes Rising isn't solely about breaking news.  We will have a ton of history, and retrospectives. The U has a great tradition of excellence, it's about time someone blogged about it.  

We're currently updating the blog, so please bear with us.  There will be some design changes, so don't be shocked.    We're always looking for comments and suggestions.  If you would like to add something, or if you would like to join the Canes Rising family, please contact us using the information in the "Contact Us" tab.  

Thanks once again for choosing Canes Rising as your source for everything Miami.  Go 'Canes!

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