Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is Dwayne Collins NBA Ready?

By Kartik Krishnaiyer
Canes Rising Staff

It may seem like an absurd question, but apparently DC is testing the draft waters. What is he thinking and why would he believe he is draft ready?

For every spectacular game in ACC play Collins has had like his 26 point outburst last season versus Duke, or his back to back big games this year versus Virginia Tech and NC State, he has had even more head-scratchers. For a guy who should play big every game out, Collins often time is soft and gets easily dominated by smaller, but more tenacious post players.

Perhaps Collins is encouraged by the ease at which he posted up and scored against Florida in the NIT. First off all it was the NIT which is in affect a glorified exhibition, and secondly Florida's inside game resembles that of a soft High School Team. Much like his big performances against Duke and Boston College the last few years, Collins takes advantage of scoring against perimeter oriented team while being a detriment for the Canes against the likes of Florida State, Georgia Tech and Clemson, teams who have had skilled big men the past three seasons.

What is apparent is that Collins wants to test the draft waters. Another ACC junior, Maryland's Grevius Vasquez is thinking about doing the same. The difference is Vasquez has actually been an influential and pivotal player for his team almost single handily willing the Terps to this year's NCAA Tournament, while Collins two NCAA appearances last year was notable for how little he played and how many minutes Anthony King, Ray Hicks and Jimmy Graham had to log because of Collins ineffectiveness.

Dwayne Collins is not NBA ready period. Perhaps he doesn't enjoy going to school or is unhappy with having to work so hard in practice. I really don't know, but he's certainly not a finished article.

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