Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Miami Football Still Matters

By Kartik Krishnaiyer
Canes Rising Staff

Last week, I spoke with a friend in Texas, a UF classmate of mine who used to follow Miami Football closely. He asked me if Miami Football still mattered nationally because the program has gone from a big player in Texas to invisible in the six years he's lived out there. I told him honestly, I didn't have an answer: I know FSU doesn't really matter anymore nationally (eight years straight outside the Top 10 will do that), but wasn't sure about Miami. I told him basically, "we'll see if any big name coach wants to join Shannon's staff." I also said maybe Miami didn't matter because let's face it: more college sports fans across America know Jack McClinton's name and maybe even Dwayne Collins name more than any current Miami Football player. (In the interest of fill disclosure I personally want FSU to matter again. I have the utmost respect for their program)

A few days later we have our answer. Miami still does matter. The temptation to drop Miami to the also ran ranks of Ole Miss, NC State and Kansas has been thwarted. Could any of the aforementioned programs reach into the NFL, and lure away a highly thought of, Super Bowl winning Assistant Coach? Almost certainly, no.

But Miami has done just that with the hiring of Mark Whipple. The attraction of Miami hasn't faded yet: how many programs can realistically jump into the NFL and grab a Super Bowl winning Assistant Coach to ? USC, of course. Notre Dame, probably. Florida, maybe. Texas, probably not. Clemson, no way.

So Miami still does matter. But the Whipple hiring could be make or break. The Hurricanes are in all honesty behind where FSU is in two ways: Not only are the Canes a few years behind FSU in talent level but they are also about three or four fewer years into this long term dip. A whole generation of young kids in the state know nothing of the Seminole tradition or of the remarkable unbreakable record of 14 straight ten win seasons FSU compiled in the 80s and 90s.

UM is honestly getting close to that point also. The current High School studs recall Miami as a powerhouse when they were in junior high. The last great Miami victory, in 2005 at Virginia Tech is now a fading memory for young kids. Mark Whipple can help right the ship for now.

Miami still matters, and hopefully the Whipple hiring helps ensure that it always will.

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