Monday, January 26, 2009

Canes Closing in on "Big Fish" Coordinator Hire

By Kartik Krishnaiyer
Canes Rising Staff

All indications are that Mark Whipple whose NFL success on Bill Cowher and Andy Reid's staffs speaks for itself will be the next Miami Offensive Coordinator. With Miami Football seemingly at a low ebb following the Robert Marve debacle, the firing of Pat Nix and the surprise departure of Bill Young, this is exactly the kind of move Miami must make.

Whipple was considered a top NFL QB coach and won the Division IAA National Championship as a Head Coach at UMass before joining Cowher's Steelers staff. Whipple is credited by many with developing Ben Roethlisberger into a Pro Bowl caliber and Super Bowl winning QB.

For those skeptics who believed no coach worth their salt would want to work with Randy Shannon, this potential hire must come as a shock. Perhaps Miami fans will learn to be more patient in the near future.

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