Sunday, August 03, 2014

Staff Shakeup

Written By: Nathan Skinner
                    Canes Rising Contributor

Can Al Golden overcome the sudden loss of a key assistant? (Photo Credit: CBS Sports)

The University of Miami has announced that linebackers coach Micheal Barrow is leaving the program due to  personal reasons.  This sabbatical, which was announced Friday, leaves a hole in the staff which Al Golden raced to fill. Running Backs coach Hurlie Brown will now be moved to Barrow's position, while Tim "Ice" Harris will leave the administrative staff, and join the coaching staff. Former Hurricane player Kevin Beard has been hired to replace Harris in the administrative office.  Beard, who until recently,  was  the receivers coach at Davie University High School is a former Miami player, and a member of the legendary 2001 National Championship 'Canes . Beard will inherit Harris' duties which include guiding recruits through the admissions process and the formulating academic road maps for borderline recruits. 

Harris, while a great high school coach, has not coached at the collegiate level.  In fact, Harris doesn't have a bachelors degree, which may be an issue, especially if he wants to be the permanent replacement. It's safe to assume that Harris has to complete his education, if he wants to be a permanent part of this staff.   Ice Harris should be a great recruiter here in South Florida thanks to his great relationships with local coaches, and his intimate knowledge of the South Florida athlete. Harris is a rising star in the profession, he's a local guy, he should be a solid fit as the Running Backs coach.  His inexperience is a cause for concern, but his position is one in which a coach can learn on the job. Ice has the chops to tutor running backs, he did a great job producing sound players at the high school level.   There's a hidden benefit to the move, and that Harris' hire helps heal a rift in the community.  The U needs the support of the local community, and this hire will help to bring local coaches who are bitter about the firing of Randy Shannon back into the fold .

Hurlie Brown, who was a  safety at The U from 1988-1991, is a man who understands defense.  He  not only played,  he also served as a player/coach during his playing career.  He has shown the ability to recruit, landing Joseph Yearby, and securing verbal commitments from elite 2015 recruits.  Hurlie will have to learn on the job as well, especially in regards to understanding the scheme, which is different from anything he's ever worked around.   Look for him to be assisted by Al Golden, who is well versed on linebacker play. Between Golden and Brown, fans shouldn't worry about linebacker play, despite depth concerns.  These young men will be well coached, even if there is a decided lack of talented depth at the position.  Brown may not be the coach that Barrow is, but that's due to a lack of experience at the position.  Barrow was heavily criticized by fans and was always the first name mentioned when a coach was rumored to be on the chopping block. 

These staff changes come at an awful time, but these changes shouldn't affect the on field product.  This team has strong on field leaders and experience throughout the roster, which helps the transition.  Barrow was a major part of the recruiting process, and a solid coach, but he isn't irreplaceable, and Brown and Harris should be able to transition into their new roles. If this staff doesn't meet the high standards of Al Golden, it wouldn't be a major shock if wholesale changes were made after the season. 

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